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New York Archives * NY French Geek Sun, 17 Oct 2010 03:59:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12884297 New York Best Kept Secret Fri, 08 Oct 2010 16:43:35 +0000

New York’s Best Kept secret is NOT Century 21, trust me on that one, but the fact that it has so many beaches all accessible by public transportation. Here are some few options if you are spending your summer in NYC & still want to get a carribean tan!


  • How to get there ? Take the blue line, the A train to Broad Channel, transfer to the S to Rockaway Park-Beach 116th St. (Last Stop).
  • How Much ? .50 Round Trip, Subway ride.
  • What to do ? Get a beer & a slice at

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The post New York Best Kept Secret appeared first on NY French Geek.

New York’s Best Kept secret is NOT Century 21, trust me on that one, but the fact that it has so many beaches all accessible by public transportation. Here are some few options if you are spending your summer in NYC & still want to get a carribean tan!


  • How to get there ? Take the blue line, the A train to Broad Channel, transfer to the S to Rockaway Park-Beach 116th St. (Last Stop).
  • How Much ? .50 Round Trip, Subway ride.
  • What to do ? Get a beer & a slice at the Sand Bar on the beach, or even order chinese take out and get it delivered on the beach.


  • How to get there ? it’s a boat ride & it only works on week-end. Take the Ferry on Pier 11 (same as Ikea boat), click here more infos and schedule.
  • How Much ? Round Trip on the American Princess. add more if you bring your bike.
  • Tips: Bring your own picnic to the beach and drinks as it is a wild beach with no lifeguards neither. The boat ride to get there is 45 mins and is amazing , you get to see the Statue of Liberty, Coney Island, and the Verrazano bridge.


  • How to get there ? Take the LIRR train in Penn Station to Bay Shore, then the Ferry to Fire Island .
  • How Much ? around RT ->  for the train &  for the ferry (round-trip)
  • What to do ? try to spend the night there, or the weekend, as it is an 1.5 hour away from the city, and it is a little corner of  paradise there, no cars, almost no  stores and beautiful sunsets.

Et Voila ! Now You know how I spend my summer in the city :)

Madame Lolo

Some young couples who are facing various soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common potentially serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your physician if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very important point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real drug. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post New York Best Kept Secret appeared first on NY French Geek.

Envie de travailler à New York ? Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:04:02 +0000 Comme vous êtes nombreux à nous le demander, pour ceux qui cherchent un travail à New York, voici quelques liens utiles : Craiglist Civiweb (pour les VIE) Monster US Career Builder Pôle emploi international (ne rigolez pas, c’est grâce à ce site que Manu a trouvé sans chercher !) Le site de la French American Chamber […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, … Lire la suite

The post Envie de travailler à New York ? appeared first on NY French Geek.

Comme vous êtes nombreux à nous le demander, pour ceux qui cherchent un travail à New York, voici quelques liens utiles : Craiglist Civiweb (pour les VIE) Monster US Career Builder Pôle emploi international (ne rigolez pas, c’est grâce à ce site que Manu a trouvé sans chercher !) Le site de la French American Chamber […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common potentially serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very significant point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real drug. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post Envie de travailler à New York ? appeared first on NY French Geek.

New York by… VIRGO Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:42:26 +0000

« Je suis rentrée de New York, après deux ans, et la raison d’être de mon blog n’est plus tout à fait la même. Pourtant j’ai envie de dire combien New York me manque. Et j’ai *même* envie d’être puante et de rajouter un petit pas comme à vous bien senti. Sur les blogs de fifilles à fringues hors de prix, récemment, c’était la folie du voyage à New York et le festival du post-à-photos typiques saveur “oh mais cette ville est si géniale, je m’y sens tellement chez moi, et elle me manque un peu, le mode de vivre new-yorkais … Lire la suite

The post New York by… VIRGO appeared first on NY French Geek.


« Je suis rentrée de New York, après deux ans, et la raison d’être de mon blog n’est plus tout à fait la même. Pourtant j’ai envie de dire combien New York me manque. Et j’ai *même* envie d’être puante et de rajouter un petit pas comme à vous bien senti. Sur les blogs de fifilles à fringues hors de prix, récemment, c’était la folie du voyage à New York et le festival du post-à-photos typiques saveur “oh mais cette ville est si géniale, je m’y sens tellement chez moi, et elle me manque un peu, le mode de vivre new-yorkais me correspond si bien”. Gimme a fucking break. Il est impossible de connaître le mode de vie new yorkais après une semaine, si intense et chouette soit-elle – et Dieu sait que ça peut être très chouette, et ce à tant d’égards… Il est impossible de piger New York tant qu’on n’est pas passé par une relation d’amour-haine qui passe par beaucoup de phases assez intenses. Et moi, j’avais enfin réussi à faire la paix avec cette ville, j’arrivais à peine à cet équilibre où finalement, je me sens chez moi, que je dois partir (ou est-ce parce que je dois partir que j’ai pigé l’équilibre – vaste question, à laquelle Yahoo! Oracle – ou était-ce Paul le poulpe? – n’a toujours pas répondu).

Depuis des semaines, je croise des pages et des pages de blogs de filles bourrées de bonnes adresses “confidentielles” et de découvertes du “quartier de Brooklyn” qui en général m’amusent (sur un mode condescendant, je l’avoue volontiers) mais qui là tout de suite m’irritent autant que les morsures de bedbugs étalées sur mon genou (long story). Chaque année, c’est la même rengaine: 10 ou 15 blogueuses vont passer une semaine de shopping dans Midtown, font un brunch hors de prix dans Williamsburg et se font manucurer par une Chinoise et elles pensent tout savoir. Au final, au cours de toutes mes lectures de blog, la seule note qui m’a paru vraiment taquiner la vérité sur la ville, c’est cet instant putassier d’Elixie, il y a pas mal de temps. Dedans, elle y explique en gros que son moi de Professeur accro au tabac pour pipe (et sans doute aussi à l’opium et au whisky japonais millésimé) est un peu allergique à New York et que New York c’est très surfait et surtout très surévalué en regard du reste de l’Amérique, ce si formidable pays (cf. mon post précédent – enfin surtout la photo). J’étais à Albany en lisant cette note, et j’ai aussitôt pris mon clavier pour lui dire que “oui mais si c’est trop ça” et puis en chemin, j’étais piquée au vif, et je me suis prise à ressentir un peu d’orgueil à vouloir défendre “ma” ville. Et New York, c’est un peu ça: une ville détestable qu’on se surprend à adorer.

New York est une ville sale, c’est un freakshow permanent, c’est tout ce que j’ai déjà dit plein de fois sur le métro (sérieusement: si vous voyez un jour une boîte vide de Big Mac bouger, tout est normal, mais éloignez-vous), c’est des boutiques infestées de bedbugs, trop de choses à faire pour zéro temps, un climat zarbi, et pour couronner le tout, des cupcakes red velvet qu’on laisse rassir faute de temps pour les manger au goûter. J’ai peur de me répéter, mais il faut expérimenter ça au quotidien pour en ressentir le pouvoir d’épuisement, la lassitude, et l’envie d’ailleurs. Quand j’étais à Philadelphie, je me disais que j’avais bien de la chance de n’avoir “que les choses sympas de New York”, mais en modèle réduit pour être moins fatiguée. Quand j’étais à Albany, je me disais un peu pareil, en pire: je me disais que certes, je me faisais un peu chier, mais qu’au moins, j’étais re-po-sée. En bref, j’en avais foutrement marre. Et pourtant… A la fin de la journée, on est tous dans la même merde, et la ville, on la vit ensemble, et c’est ça, New York – par ailleurs, à la fin de la journée, on partage aussi les biergarten, les taquerias à pas cher et les verres de rosé frais dans des ballons de Bourgogne à des terrasses hors de prix.  Donc non: tu ne connais pas New York parce que tu as parcouru toutes les rues de Midtown et Downtown en prenant des photos de graffitis avec un APN hors de prix, ou encore parce que tu en as vu tous les musées et écumé les meilleures boutiques. Tu as juste eu ce que 95% des new-yorkais ne vivent jamais, faute de temps et/ou d’argent: une expérience magnifiée de la ville, et je comprends ton bien-être et ton impression d’avoir bien saisi l’enjeu de cette ville. Mais pour comprendre New York, il faut en souffrir un peu et trouver que c’est quand-même un peu bien. Et pour tout ça (et d’autres choses – comme mon mec), ça va un peu me manquer.

Et tant que j’y pense, digression. New York, c’est surtout: 5 boroughs dont Manhattan est le plus petit. Brooklyn n’est pas un quartier, Williamsburg est à Brooklyn mais n’est pas Brooklyn (pour tout vous dire quand vous êtes dans le Burg, vous êtes déjà presque dans le Queens – et tant qu’on y est, Bedford est une Avenue, si vous parlez de Bedford St., vous vous retrouvez en plein West Village, rien à voir), tout autant que Brooklyn, ce n’est pas “d’un côté le Bridge, de l’autre, Coney Island pour la Mermaid Parade, entre les deux, bah bof”, Brooklyn, c’est une foultitude de quartiers finalement très variés et qui valent tellement plus le coup que la plupart des zones que vous hantez dans Manhattan. Rendez vous service, la prochaine fois que vous allez à New York, et allez voir la skyline depuis Red Hook, allez manger une pizza du côté de Bushwick, à la frontière avec Bed Stuy, faites une expo au Brooklyn Museum avant d’aller bruncher dans Park Slope, allez au cinéma à Cobble Hill, allez voir un spectacle au BAM, dînez dans Fort Greene, et surtout, essayez de faire un Fort Greene – Williamsburg en moins de 40 minutes (impossible) et revenez me dire que Brooklyn n’est qu’un quartier. C’est une ville plus grande que Manhattan, et, pour reprendre les termes d’un coiffeur très inverti de Williamsburg, un jour qu’il faisait une coupe à 120$ à Shanna, maintenant, New York est à Brooklyn (et on espère qu’elle ressemblait au moins à Angelina Jolie, après sa coupe à une brique – ralala, ces hipsters).

A force, je me suis habituée à la chaleur écrasante de l’été new-yorkais, et j’avoue, j’ai un peu peur de mourir de froid quand je vais me poser à Paris et qu’il fera seulement 25… »

-La minute promo de la Travelin’ Girl: Viva Virgo! Ce billet déchire et est criant de justesse. Perdez-vous dans son blog, ( bourré d’américanismes, elle a écrit des perles agrémentées de 50 commentaires de lectrices en ébullition. Ah oui, vous pouvez la suivre sur Twitter aussi @ Cheers !

The Travelin’ Girl

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common potentially serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very important point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real preparation. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post New York by… VIRGO appeared first on NY French Geek.

Labour Day : New York to Boston Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:42:25 +0000 Le premier lundi de septembre est férié pour célébrer la fête du travail. Soit dit en passant, je trouve que c’est un excellent moyen de commencer la rentrée…par un jour férié ! Parfait aussi pour partir en week end car les « holiday » sont toujours accolés à un week end (je pris toujours pour qu’un super […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing varied health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one … Lire la suite

The post Labour Day : New York to Boston appeared first on NY French Geek.

Le premier lundi de septembre est férié pour célébrer la fête du travail. Soit dit en passant, je trouve que c’est un excellent moyen de commencer la rentrée…par un jour férié ! Parfait aussi pour partir en week end car les « holiday » sont toujours accolés à un week end (je pris toujours pour qu’un super […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing varied health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an hard-on is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common potentially serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your physician if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very much important point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real preparation. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post Labour Day : New York to Boston appeared first on NY French Geek.

Montreal rocks New York #adwk2010 #montrealad Sat, 28 Aug 2010 10:56:26 +0000 Next week Octavian and Mickael will rock NYC during Advertising Week. There we’ll be joining the delegation from September 29th to October 1st. If you want to meet for business or just to get a drink (or both) tweet @RockandSocial with the hastag #montrealad. La semaine prochaine nous rockerons à New York pour le Advertising Week […]

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place … Lire la suite

The post Montreal rocks New York #adwk2010 #montrealad appeared first on NY French Geek.

Next week Octavian and Mickael will rock NYC during Advertising Week. There we’ll be joining the delegation from September 29th to October 1st. If you want to meet for business or just to get a drink (or both) tweet @RockandSocial with the hastag #montrealad. La semaine prochaine nous rockerons à New York pour le Advertising Week […]

Some young couples who are facing different soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common possibly serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The much great point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real drug. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post Montreal rocks New York #adwk2010 #montrealad appeared first on NY French Geek.

{Entre Paris et New York} – Visa étudiant : verdict de l’ambassade ! Mon, 09 Aug 2010 04:57:57 +0000 Aujourd’hui était le grand jour : RDV à l’ambassade pour la demande de visa étudiant. C’est marrant, il y a comme un air de déjà vu ou plutôt un air de déjà vécu ! Mis à part le fait que moi et mon sens de l’orientation on a bien failli se perdre, je passe limite […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one … Lire la suite

The post {Entre Paris et New York} – Visa étudiant : verdict de l’ambassade ! appeared first on NY French Geek.

Aujourd’hui était le grand jour : RDV à l’ambassade pour la demande de visa étudiant. C’est marrant, il y a comme un air de déjà vu ou plutôt un air de déjà vécu ! Mis à part le fait que moi et mon sens de l’orientation on a bien failli se perdre, je passe limite […]

Karine & Manu @ New York City

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an hard-on is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common perhaps serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very significant point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real remedy. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post {Entre Paris et New York} – Visa étudiant : verdict de l’ambassade ! appeared first on NY French Geek.

HUGE! The Parisian “Velib” concept (Bike Sharing Program), coming to New York City! Sun, 25 Jul 2010 13:31:26 +0000


New York City has done a good job in recent years to encourage cycling instead of driving in the city.  Bike lanes and paths have been created and new policies have been instituted to protect cyclists and pedestrians, but the city may be planning the biggest encouragement yet:  a huge bike-sharing program.

The proposed program, created by Mayor Bloomberg and Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, would start with 10,500 bikes availabe for rent and then quickly spread to 49,000 bikes, similar in scale to the successful Paris Vélib’ program.

Other details like station locations, timing, etc. aren’t available yet, but

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The post HUGE! The Parisian “Velib” concept (Bike Sharing Program), coming to New York City! appeared first on NY French Geek.



New York City has done a good job in recent years to encourage cycling instead of driving in the city.  Bike lanes and paths have been created and new policies have been instituted to protect cyclists and pedestrians, but the city may be planning the biggest encouragement yet:  a huge bike-sharing program.

The proposed program, created by Mayor Bloomberg and Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, would start with 10,500 bikes availabe for rent and then quickly spread to 49,000 bikes, similar in scale to the successful Paris Vélib’ program.

Other details like station locations, timing, etc. aren’t available yet, but we’ll be excitedly awaiting more news.

via CBS News New York




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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing varied soundness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for disability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common perhaps serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The so significant point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real drug. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post HUGE! The Parisian “Velib” concept (Bike Sharing Program), coming to New York City! appeared first on NY French Geek.

Beautiful summer day in New York Sat, 17 Jul 2010 10:25:11 +0000


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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how Lire la suite

The post Beautiful summer day in New York appeared first on NY French Geek.



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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing different health problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for inability to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common possibly serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very much great point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real preparation. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post Beautiful summer day in New York appeared first on NY French Geek.

Seven Reasons Tech Start-Ups Are Setting Up Shop in New York – Wall Street Journal Thu, 15 Jul 2010 06:35:42 +0000

By Alexander Hotz

When Carter Cleveland, the CEO of the art-trading website, moved his fledgling company from Palo Alto, Calif., to New York City he left behind arguably the best place to start a tech business in the U.S.

Bloomberg News

Home to giants like Facebook, Google, Apple, Intel and eBay, Silicon Valley is well known as the Mecca for high-tech companies – and entrepreneurs hoping to start one. One third of US-based venture capital investment happens in the Valley, according to PriceWaterhouse Coopers and the National Venture Capital Association. By Cleveland’s own admission, he “couldn’t go into

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The post Seven Reasons Tech Start-Ups Are Setting Up Shop in New York – Wall Street Journal appeared first on NY French Geek.


By Alexander Hotz

When Carter Cleveland, the CEO of the art-trading website, moved his fledgling company from Palo Alto, Calif., to New York City he left behind arguably the best place to start a tech business in the U.S.

Bloomberg News

Home to giants like Facebook, Google, Apple, Intel and eBay, Silicon Valley is well known as the Mecca for high-tech companies – and entrepreneurs hoping to start one. One third of US-based venture capital investment happens in the Valley, according to PriceWaterhouse Coopers and the National Venture Capital Association. By Cleveland’s own admission, he “couldn’t go into a cafe without hearing pitches” in San Francisco.

So why go east? A recent Princeton grad, Cleveland said he left primarily because of his customers. is an online trading post for fine art and, according to Cleveland, over half of his market is in New York City. But Cleveland added that location isn’t everything. New York’s tech scene is booming, and Cleveland wanted to join the party.

“Palo Alto is like Google,” he explained. “Big and established. New York City is like Foursquare. Not as big but tons of hype. It’s going through a growth period and very exciting.”

Below are seven reasons that tech entrepreneurs are increasingly setting up shop in New York:

1) It’s an exciting time to be in New York: Today the city is full of prominent up and comers like craft marketplace Etsy, online TV hub Boxee and blogging platform Tumblr. New York based start-ups luxury retail shopping Gilt Groupe, file sharing site and location-based social network Foursquare have also garnered considerable attention.

Silicon Alley’s resurgence has been chronicled in the pages of The New York Observer and New York Magazine, and founders like Tumblr’s David Karp and Foursquare’s Dennis Crowley have received profile treatment typically reserved for celebrities. With Foursquare’s recent million Series B and million valuation, New York’s tech scene may have officially arrived.

2) A growing, supportive community: Cody Brown, a newly minted NYU grad and the founder of the social-networking start-up Kommons, recently lamented the lack of affordable apartments in New York City. Brown said he was “totally willing to live in poverty with a food budget of -10 a day,” but that the city’s high rental prices made even that difficult. Fortunately for Brown, a network of techies came to his rescue. Not long after blogging about his dilemma, Brown was tipped off to a 0/month place in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

Brown’s story is a small example of the now vibrant start-up culture in New York. Every month entrepreneurs and VCs mingle at a wide range of events. The New York Tech Meetup is the most popular with about 12,000 members. In the blogosphere local voices like Union Square Ventures’ Fred Wilson, prominent VC Chris Dixon, and First Round Capital’s Charlie O’Donnell have emerged as community leaders and mentors. According to Dixon, also the co-founder of recommendation engine Hunch, this “growing ecosystem” is driving the industry’s growth.

3) Universities are stepping up: New York has plenty of tech jobs, but one of the biggest complaints leveled against the city by entrepreneurs is that the best universities send their top talent to Wall Street. While the city’s financial sector continues to lure the majority of graduates with lucrative contracts, Nate Westheimer, the CEO of movie-clip site AnyClip and the director of NYMeetup, said that is beginning to change.

Westheimer commended the work of two professors — Evan Korth, who teaches computer science at NYU, and Chris Wiggins, an associate professor of applied mathematics at Columbia University. Both have teamed up with scientist Hilary Mason to create HackNY, a project that connects New York’s best students with the city’s the startup world.

4) Growing access to venture capital: Although nationwide VC investment dropped in the first quarter of this year, in New York City it was up almost 20 percent, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. The second quarter saw investment in media, entertainment and software triple in New York compared with last year. And the recent establishment of seed funds like Founder Collective and IA Venture Strategies is just another sign that New York companies have access to capital.

5) Government support: Mayor Michael Bloomberg has thrown City Hall’s weight behind the burgeoning sector with a city-funded incubator and seed fund. The Bloomberg administration even invested in an iPhone app NYCWay.

6) New York is medialand, and the media love the Internet: Two of New York’s biggest industries are media and advertising, so it’s no surprise that online publications like The Huffington Post and Gawker are based in Manhattan. New York’s density also makes the city a perfect testing ground for social-networking sites. Foursquare and Hot Potato are both based in New York.

7) The anti-B.S. factor: Silicon Valley is a town where the tech industry dominates the conversation. In sharp contrast, New York is home to many industries so it’s difficult for an entrepreneur to get caught up in what the investor Fred Wilson calls an “echo-chamber groupthink.” Bottom line — entrepreneurs have to be creative and can’t get caught up in their bubble.

Not so fast…

Matt Mireles, the founder and CEO of †he video transcription service SpeakerText, started his company in his Harlem apartment but recently jumped ship for the Valley. Mireles said he’s making the move because of a “chokehold” he believes Wall Street has on technical talent in New York. In his experience, entrepreneurs are stuck fighting over a few start-up-minded developers.

That said, Mireles admits his long-term plan is to eventually return to New York. “If I wanted to be where there are more hot girls and nightlife I wouldn’t be in Mountainview,” Mireles said. “But I’m doing this [move to California] so in five years time I can live in New York in a big pimped out loft or something.”



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NYC, Startups, Clippings & Musings

Some young couples who are facing various heartiness problem, these individuals can buy remedies from the Web without any problem. Unconditionally, one of the wonderful place where buyers can purchase medicines is Internet. One of the best treatment for failure to get or keep an erection is Viagra. Today sundry articles were published about viagra substitute. You may have heard about “where to buy viagra“. Various companies describe it as “how to get viagra“. Sure, for a lot of guys, bringing up the problem in the first place is the toughest step. The most common potentially serious side effects of such medications like Viagra is headache. Contact your doctor if you have any dangerous side effect that does not go away. The very much great point make sure that when you buy medicines like Viagra online, you get real remedy. Some of the web-sites offer really hazardous fakes.

The post Seven Reasons Tech Start-Ups Are Setting Up Shop in New York – Wall Street Journal appeared first on NY French Geek.
